How to find values that are in one column but not another?


I have two columns of values, and I would like to create a third column that contains all of the values that are not repeated between the two (ie, in column A but not B and vice versa). What’s the best way to go about doing this?

The structure of the sheet is something like this:

Column C should contain “John” and “George,” ideally in C1 and C2

There is not enough information for a solution approach.
Which values should be compared, opposite ones in the same row or one value of one column with all other values of the other columns?
Which values should be written in column 3, from column 1 or column 2?

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Fair point, edited to improve clarity!

My first stop, because Vlookup is simple would be =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1;$B$1:$B$20;1;0));A1;"") and drag down. Change $B$20 to expected length of column. Filter by column C

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Meanwhile, Calc can filter by error values.
=MATCH(A1;$B$1:$B$20;0) filtered by #N/A will do.