I need to create a long (many pages) blank document to paste a bunch of pics to print onto (so I can resize before printing) and really don’t want to hit enter a thousand times!
It depends on how you insert your pictures in your document.
In the OS, I copy (
) the picture file and in Writer, I paste it (Ctrl
). The picture is then just another huge character in the paragraph.In this case, the solution is to “style” the paragraph with a custom-tuned paragraph style containing a forced page break in the
Text Flow
tab of the properties dialog. If your picture is always followed by some explanatory text, you can also automate switching to the descriptive paragraph style in theOrganize
tab, Link with drop down menu (e.g. setting there Text Body).Your manual task is only to select the proper paragraph style from the menu before pasting the picture.
>From File
This is a little more complex but more versatile because the picture in inserted inside a frame which is itself in another frame with an automatic caption.
The outer frame is controlled by frame style Images, the inner one by Graphics. You can play with the Position parameter in the
tab of the frame style, but you need experiment with a sequence of few pictures.Once the parameters are satisfactory, you just insert the pics without extra manual step.
My answer assumes familiarity with LO styles. If you aren’t, read the documentation. Even the built-in help is not bad.
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