How to force Calc to display 2 digits after the decimal even if the last is zero?

I’m a beginner. I’m really surprised at how needlessly complex spreadsheets are. Its like learning how to pilot a jet fighter to drive a car. In my calculator programs in Settings you set the decimal places. Since the financial world generally uses 2 that’s what most people use. What does Calc do as a default? It lops off the zero at the end so a column of numbers is a total mess and has no alignment. I see no way to control the decimal places. Just what kind of mind does this? I’d really love to know. Because it makes zero sense to me. So many other aspects of spreadsheets are so complex when it could be so easy. Its like they’re trying to complicate it to impress a girl. That’s what it feels like.

Full Screen has always been F11. You’d think it would be the same for Calc. But no. Instead it brings up Styles. ??? Hey software designers: Don’t change something that everyone has used for many years. That’s just stupid. Work around conventions unless there really is no other way which is extremely rare. This enables people to try your design without wasting hours of precious time learning all your idiosyncrasies which absolutely no one cares about. They want to get the job done. Don’t get in the way. Spreadsheet programs are horrendous for overcomplicating things. I’ve never seen anything like it though music programs often do the same.

In design you want to start simple so the user slips in and gets basic things working right away. This way they can appraise the basics right away. Otherwise few will even try your design and everyone loses because it might be a great design. Then as they want to expand their options they should be able to add more and more. Clearly this is not being taught today or a lot of people are designing with no thought at all and no school/teaching at all.

That’s great, everyone has to start somewhere. It is worth remembering that there are many more uses for spreadsheets than just financial transactions. Also, there more similarities between spreadsheets than there are differences; much of what you learn here is transferable.

Follow @Zizi64 answer. You need to select the cells, columns, or rows and then in the menu click Format > Cells (or right click on them and select Format Cells) to get the dialogue box pictured.

If you need currency you can just click the currency icon

The Help is useful but for more structured help it is worth using the Calc Guide or Getting Started Guide as a reference, download from English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides

Lol. “I use that that way, therefore that’s how most of the world uses that”. Indeed, there’s no scientific or technical use of the software (and many other kinds of use, like educational), only financial. Please change your expectations. Spreadsheets has evolved over the last 40 years, providing the tool suitable for insane amount of uses, and became an essential tool for almost every field. Don’t expect that your idea must be what the most expect. Respect the possibility of others’ points of views.

Yeah I get that spreadsheets can be used for an enormous array of tasks. My point is that when something is conventional its best to stick with that as a default. If you have a column of numbers obviously most people would want to see the same decimal places used in all the fields so they line up vertically. I know I’m nitpicking a bit here but it is logical. Same with things like F11. There are numerous other quirks I’ve found as well. Its not LibreOffice only of course. Excel is just as bizarre. Its like spreadsheet designers don’t use other programs. Anyway it is what it is…
I think, for a beginner, spreadsheets seem very daunting. They sure do to me. I just have to be patient with myself. This sure ain’t like learning Notepad!
What’s interesting is seeing how they are used in so many applications when comparing things. You notice it everywhere. Then you start to appreciate how important they are.

Beginners may be better off using the toolbars as well as then things may highlight and that reminds them of what’s happening. Otherwise they’re kind of in the dark, unaware of the features and options. Videos may help people learning better than text as they’re more graphic. Normally I avoid videos for learning as they are so time consuming but in this type of thing they’re probably better if they are specific. The problem is few are.

If you want to show two decimal places only (but you want to calculate with all of existing digits) then yo need the Cell Styles ot the Manual formatting feature for settings the visible (enforced visible) decimal places.

You need a FORMAT CODE on the Numbers TAB of the Cell Style:
For example in the Hungarian locale (Comma decimal separator, Space thousands separator) the “thousands separated, enforced two decimals” format code is:

# ###,00



Thank you for this.
I ended up finding the decimal place thing on the Formula bar which is handy to see when you’re checking fields so you can move through the fields with the keyboard arrow keys and see if something highlights. Very useful though normally I work in Full Screen. Obviously Full Screen is unwise when you’re learning a new program!

I am Hungarian, and I am using Hungarian locale settings in the LibreOffice, therefore it is simpler for me to create such screenshots without change all of the locale settings to English.
(I am using English function names, and English Menu item strings in my answers, and on my attachments.)


Ah I see. Thank you for that clarification. I edited my comment above.