how to format cell hour:minute:second

what cell format is used for hour:minute:second

  1. Select cell range to apply formatting to.
  2. Right click on and select Format Cells….
  3. In main Numbers tab, under the Category selection box, choose Time as a category.
  4. Under Format selection box choose the second item in the list. It may appear as “13:37:46”. You may notice that the format code changes to HH:MM:SS and if you select others in the list it will update the format code accordingly.

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From the HELP:

Time Formats

To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format codes:

Format            Format Code

Hours as 0-23   H
Hours as 00-23  HH
Hours as 00 up to more than 23  [HH]
Minutes as 0-59 M
Minutes as 00-59 MM
Minutes as 00 up to more than 59  [MM]
Seconds as 0-59 S
Seconds as 00-59  SS
Seconds as 00 up to more than 59  [SS]

To display seconds as fractions, add the decimal delimiter to your number format code. For example, enter HH:MM:SS.00 to display the time as “01:02:03.45”.

Minute time formats M and MM must be used in combination with hour or second time formats to avoid confusion with month date format.

If a time is entered in the form 02:03.45 or 01:02:03.45 or 25:01:02, the following formats are assigned if no other time format has been specified: MM:SS.00 or [HH]:MM:SS.00 or [HH]:MM:SS

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