How to format first occurence of a word in a column, range of columns?

I have a sheet with 7 columns of words, some of which are duplicates in their own or other columns. No words are duplicates in their own rows. Some cells on any row may be empty.

I want to make bold the first occurrence of each word in its own column.
I want to make italic the first occurrence of each word in any of the 7 columns at or above that word’s row.
(Note that the first row’s words will all be bold and italic, as there will be no duplicates above them.)

I’ve failed to come up with conditional formatting expressions for either of these goals, let alone both of them combined. I’m beginning to wonder if conditional formatting is capable of achieving this, and if not, whether it can be otherwise scripted somehow. Which is to say, I’m not necessarily committed to using conditional formatting if there’s some other more straightforward way to do it.

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Not sure if I understood, but I’ll give a try.

first occurence.ods (17.5 KB)

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To change the first repeated word in its own column to bold, you can try selecting the first data cell in the first column, for example, A2 and clicking Format —> Conditional Formatting —> Condition The formula is:

AND(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, A2) > 1, COUNTIF(A$2:A1, A2) = 0)

COUNTIF(A$2:A2, A2) > 1, checks if the word has already appeared in the column before.
COUNTIF(A$2:A1, A2) = 0, makes sure it is the first occurrence.

Create a new style with Bold and apply it.
Copy the conditional formatting to the entire column.

To italicize the first word repeated in other columns, you can try, select the first data cell in the first column for example A2, click on Format —> Conditional Formatting —> Condition, assuming your data is in A2:G100

AND(SUM(COUNTIF(B$2:G$100, A2)) > 0, SUM(COUNTIF(B$2:G$100, A2) * (ROW(A2) = ROW($A$2:$A$100))) = 0)

SUM(COUNTIF(B$2:G$100, A2)) > 0, checks if the word appears in another column.
SUM(COUNTIF(B$2:G$100, A2) * (ROW(A2) = ROW($A$2:$A$100))) = 0, ensures that it is the first repetition in another column.

Create a new style with Italic and apply it.
Copy the conditional formatting to all cells in all columns.

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