That arrow in the pic represents a tab.
Thank you in advance
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That arrow in the pic represents a tab.
Thank you in advance
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Figured it out my own. thease settings should do the trick:
…and same pic on permanent host: imgbox - fast, simple image host
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Good job, and thanks for posting your solution.
This is how you do it: in the Format - Paragraph dialog box (or Paragraph style dialog box) select the Indents and spacings tab. There are two fields to set here: set Before text to where the text block should start, say 6 cm. Set the First line to -6 cm (or minus the value in Before text). Then select the Tabs tab, enter that value in the Position box and click New to add that tab. Close the dialog box. Enter the text preceding the tab, hit the tab key, start typing away at the block on the right.
Think it would be cleaner if just ‘Before text’ filed modified and then inserted frame with style ‘Marginalia’.
@anon87010807: There is no need to define a tab (which would not follow a change of paragraph margin) because the Before text setting implicitly defines a tab stop when First line is “outdented”.
Ah, thanks for that, never noticed that it isn’t needed.