Could someone tell me what are services, interfaces, methods used to get informations about a selected of lines from a grid control ?
Any javascript (or basic) Code are welcome.
Could someone tell me what are services, interfaces, methods used to get informations about a selected of lines from a grid control ?
Any javascript (or basic) Code are welcome.
Sub mri_FormController(ev)
srv = createUnoService("mytools.Mri")
srv.inspect( getFormController(ev.Source))
End Sub
getFormController is a handy function to get the form controller from any form or form control.
The MRI window shows the 1-based selection indices in hex notation for the current control’s selection.
You find getFormController and related code in https://ask.libreoffice.org/uploads/short-url/1yAlwoKjpgsuYkMrf25xCiFGReG.odt
I don’t know if this is helpful to you, but I’m using this procedure to update two columns in a control table. It uses the UNO interface ‘com.sun.star.form.XForm’.
' Procedure name: UpdateDaysOnFormOpen
' Description:
' This procedure is triggered when the 'frm-Viewings' form is loaded.
' It updates the "NbJours" column in the form's table control
' by calculating the difference between the current date and the availability date ("DateAvailable").
' If the number of remaining days is less than or equal to zero, a message informs the user
' that the episode is available. After the notification, the values of the "NbJours" and "DateAvailable" columns are cleared.
' Input parameter:
' - oEvent: Reference to the event triggered by the form loading.
' Special conditions:
' - The "NbJours" and "DateAvailable" columns must exist in the table control.
Sub UpdateDaysOnFormOpen(oEvent As Object)
Dim dCurrentDate As Date, dAvailableDate As Date
Dim iColAvailableDate As Integer, iColDaysLeft As Integer, iColEpisode As Integer, iColEnglishTitle As Integer
Dim iNumberOfDays As Integer, iNewValue As Integer
Dim oForm As Object
Dim sAvailableDate As String, sEpisode As String, sEnglishTitle As String
oForm = oEvent.Source
' Assure que le formulaire est chargé correctement
If hasUnoInterfaces(oForm, "com.sun.star.form.XForm") Then
iColDaysLeft = oForm.findColumn("NbJours") ' Colonne NbJours
iColAvailableDate = oForm.findColumn("DateDisponible") ' Colonne DateDisponible
iColEpisode = oForm.findColumn("NoEpisode") ' Colonne Episode
iColEnglishTitle = oForm.findColumn("TitreAnglais1") ' Colonne TitreAnglais1
dCurrentDate = DateValue(Now()) ' Récupère la date courante (sans le temps)
oForm.first() ' Parcourez tous les enregistrements du formulaire
Do While Not oForm.isAfterLast()
sAvailableDate = oForm.getString(iColAvailableDate) ' Obtenez la date de disponibilité saisie
If sAvailableDate <> "" Then ' Si 'DateDisponible' n'est pas vide
dAvailableDate = CDate(sAvailableDate)
' NbJours entre la date actuelle et la date disponible
iNumberOfDays = DateDiff("d", dCurrentDate, dAvailableDate)
iNewValue = iNumberOfDays ' Met à jour 'NbJours' si la différence est différente de la valeur actuelle
If oForm.getInt(iColDaysLeft) <> iNewValue Then
oForm.updateInt(iColDaysLeft, iNewValue)
oForm.updateRow() ' Sauvegarde l'enregistrement après la mise à jour
End If
' Affiche le message lorsque le nombre de jours restants est inférieur ou égal à zéro
If iNewValue <= 0 Then
' Récupérer les valeurs des colonnes 'Episode' et 'TitreAnglais1'
sEpisode = oForm.FormatString(iColEpisode)
sEnglishTitle = oForm.getString(iColEnglishTitle)
' Message à l'utilisateur
MsgBox "Episode " & sEpisode & " (" & sEnglishTitle & ") est maintenant disponible."
' Effacer les valeurs de 'NbJours' et 'DateDisponible'
oForm.updateNull(iColDaysLeft) ' Efface la valeur de 'NbJours'
oForm.updateNull(iColAvailableDate) ' Efface la valeur de 'DateDisponible'
oForm.updateRow() ' Sauvegarde l'enregistrement après la mise à jour
End If
End If
oForm.next() 'Passe à l'enregistrement suivant
End If
oForm.reload() ' Rafraichissement du formulaire.
End Sub
Thank for your code. It works fine for me to the getSelection() line. But how to get data with XResultSet and XRow from oSelection ?
Store the position numbers in an array. Walk through the position numbers. The FormController’s FormOperations allow this. My sample code includes a routine Sub MoveToRecord_5(ev)
. For each record, read data from the form itself. A form is also a record set supporing methods like getString, getInt, getDate etc.