How to get results into ordered columns without blanks

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The first screenshot is a portion of a financial funds spreadsheet, it’s three columns wide, and many rows deep. In each cell is a formula which picks out a match for the fund name which appears in two other parts of the sheet.

You can see from the snippet that the blanks show up in random positions, sometimes there’s one per row, others two, and occasionally three.

I thought I should have been able to run data > standard filter > copy results to another area. However, I’ve tried every which way but don’t seem to have found the answer.

I’d like to end up with an output like this (second screenshot):

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All entries are placed in the leftmost positions.

I had thought I’d simply use a filter, and maybe I can, but I’m not understanding the “how” bit!

I’d be very grateful for some guidance.

A manual workaround:

  • Copy the range of data.
  • Paste unformated text (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V) in Writer.
  • Search for ^\t, check Regular expressions and replace with nothing.
  • Search for \t\t and replace with \t.
  • Copy, and paste unformated text separated by Tab.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Thank you so much LeroyG!
Your work around works perfectly - I’ve just tested it.
I’m very grateful. Thank you. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome!