How to get the results in LibreOffice Macro while VBA - Spliting Cell String into Rows got Results?

Hi Friends,
I want to get the results from Libre office Calc Macro Using below VBA Macro Function.
Please Help …

VBA - Function Code

Function SplitCellToRows(CellValue As Range, Delimiter As String)
    Dim SplitValues() As String
    'Split the value by the specified delimiter into an array
    SplitValues = Split(CellValue.Value, Delimiter)
    'Go through each element of the array and remove any leading or trailing spaces
    For i = LBound(SplitValues) To UBound(SplitValues)
            SplitValues(i) = Trim(SplitValues(i))
    Next i
    'Return the array
    SplitCellToRows = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(SplitValues)
End Function

and Results Screen sShots

function udf_split( var as string, delim as string)
	result = split(var, delim)
	for i =  0 to ubound(result)
		result(i) = trim(result(i))
	udf_split = result
end function

You may use it alone with ctrl+shift+enter

=udf_split(A2; ",")  

or with transpose around:

=transpose(udf_split(A2; ",")  )
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Hi @karolus , did you get result ? because, I got error message…and it did not show the function in LibreOffice Calc cell ie = udf_split … did not show…


yes its proved:
MTRANS is german localised TRANSPOSE

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Hi Karolus , Still i got error

HI @karolus , Is this code Ok… and but did not get result…

Function SplitCellToRows(Cell As Object, Delimiter As String)
		Dim SplitValues() As String 
	    'Split the value by the specified delimiter into an array
	    SplitValues = Split(Cell.String, Delimiter)
	    'Go through each element of the array and remove any leading or trailing spaces
	    Dim i As Long
	    For i = LBound(SplitValues) To UBound(SplitValues)
	            SplitValues(i) = Trim(SplitValues(i))
	    Next i
	    theSelection = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection
    	SplitCellToRows = theSelection.setFormula("Transpose(SplitValues)")	
End Function

Whil copying your code and paste it in my Calc Macro it does not show the IntelliSense…


Is this Code Correct ? or any line made mistake …?