How to hide a page in Draw like hiding a slide in Impress?

I would like to hide a page in Draw similar how I can hide a slide in Impress. How is this possible?

I use Draw to design fliers and I like to keep different versions of a page in the document for reference. Sometimes later I will need a particular variation again. So it would be handy to hide the pages I don’t want to print at the moment.

isn’t possible for you to print only pages you need? See screenshot (German UI)…

For PDF export you could select the pages as well…

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Sure, that is what I do at the moment. But sometimes it’s hard to remember which the current pages are… Some files I only update once or twice a year.

You can create a visible, non-printing, locked layer with text to remind you.


Thanks, that is a cool idea in the meantime!

I created a feature request: 156802 – UI Feature Request: Possibility to hide a page like in Impress


I created a visible, non-printing, locked layer which looks similar to a hidden page in Impress: I created a form with a custom hatching: Spacing 6,08mm, Color Black, Angle 45° and a transparency of 50 %