The Heading n family of styles is associated with Tools
>Chapter Numbering
to create a numbered list. As with any auto-numbered list, it is impossible to skip some sequence numbers. And this is “logical” otherwise you completely mess the sequence counter.
The trick is to include inside the TOC a paragraph which is not part of the Heading 1 auto-numbered family.
Create a “clone” of Heading 1 with a right-click on its name in the style sidepane and New
- give it a name in the
tab, like Unnumbered Level 1
- in the
Outline & Numbering
tab, select Level 1
from Outline level drop down menu
- make sure
is the Numbering style
Press OK
Now, style your “References” heading paragraph with Unnumbered Level 1.
It will be included in the TOC without chapter number.
If you need headings at other levels, do the same for levels 2+.
As the style is derived from Heading 1, any modification you make in Heading 1 formatting will be also transferred to Unnumbered Level 1 (except, of course, the outline level and numbering style you forced in your custom style).
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