How to hide zero values from a pie chart legend?

I have a pie chart based on a data range which contains zero-values. I would like to hide corresponding labels from chart legend, so it only displays the ones that are actually presented on the pie. example


if your data has a lot of zero values randomly distributed, you might want to use a filter

  1. Mark all data rows including the zeros values

  2. Menu DataMore FiltersStandard Filters ...

  3. Specify filter rule which rows to show/display
    image description

  4. Result

    And here the modified example with the activ filter:


Hope that helps.

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you didn’t show chart legend. I tried and that does not help at all. it’s not about hiding the rows, but labels in the legend :frowning: what you’ve shown has nothing to do with a chart…

i updated my answer with the “chart legend” aka result view. As you can see, the legend doe not contain the zero values, after applying the filter. Hope that helps.

@igorlius thanks, but screenshots aren’t that helpful since I had different result… could you attach the example so I can play with it?

Sure, i’ll add the file, to my answer.

Also can use menu Data - AutoFilter, and unselect ☑ 0 on column B.

Only select the cells which contain values of more than 0, then start the charts assistant. If not selected the chart won’t display the null values…

quite obvious :wink: although those cells values change dynamically depending on other cells, I don’t want to manually update the chart each time that happens…