Moving from ubuntu 12.04 LTS LO3.5 to ubuntu 16.04 LTS LO5.1.6.2 Cannot find a way to get code copied into 5.1 that runs and cannot find a way to import modules.
Copied code shown below.
oDialog1 = LoadDialog(“Standard”, “Dialog1”) invokes below
Function LoadDialog(Libname as String, DialogName as String, Optional oLibContainer)
Dim oLib as Object
Dim oLibDialog as Object
Dim oRuntimeDialog as Object
If IsMissing(oLibContainer ) then
oLibContainer = DialogLibraries
End If
oLib = oLibContainer.GetByName(Libname)
oLibDialog = oLib.GetByName(DialogName) <— gives
BASIC runtime error.
An exception occurred
Message: .