How to increase LO Base timeout on MariaDB?

I am very appreciative of the good advice I’ve gotten here in the past.

I am currently connecting to MariaDB with the maximum timeout value set in Tools/Options/LibreOffice Base/Connections. org.openoffice.comp.drivers.MySQL.Driver is set to the max allowable value which is only 600 seconds = 10 minutes. This is and always will be a single-user system so there is not question of ‘hogging’ the connection.

I’d like to set the timeout to be much larger so that I can go to lunch without having to shut down my DB.

Alternatively, is there an easy way to reconnect after the connection has timed out without restarting the DB?

Thanks for any suggestions.


I have found a note to myself from last spring when apparently I used the correct search parameters to get this answer.

The answer:
In a Terminal window,
sudo gedit


wait_timeout=xxx to wait_timeout=28000

I hope this helps someone else who want to increase the timeout of MariaDB (or MySQL).


P.S. It would still be really nice if there were a way to reconnect easily without closing LO Base and reopening it. Is anyone working on this?