How to increment a custom word number combination

Hi Hoping someone can help me out. I never do anything too complex with calc. I normally can get by with searches. But I can’t find exactly what I am looking for and I wouldn’t think it would be that difficult with all the great features on office.
I have this example strings in a cell. TH-023-2147. I am only trying or wanting to increment the center set of numbers by 1 when I cut and paste into cells below. So the example above would read as TH-024-2147,TH-025-2147, TH-026-2147 and so on.
I am sure it’s a simple formula but I am stumped.
Thanks in advance

Start with Formula:

=TEXT( ROW(A23) ; "\T\H\-000\-\2\1\4\7")

and pull down!

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