How to insert logo on header in Libre office calc
Header and Footer is done from the Insert>Header/Footer
menu. IMHO there is no possibility to integrate a logo there.
Use Writer and insert your calctable there.
You have the option in Writer to insert a logo in the header.
Creating a table in Writer
@Hrbrgr may have tried, but the CSS in me made me check if Calc would accept negative position offsets. It won’t, so that won’t do it… Although with some hand balancing I suppose a person could set a very narrow top margin and create a “header” in the sheet…but I’m sure the motivation is for multiple sheets here, where that is not practicable.
It is older than this bug tdf#112853 .
I tried using the suggested workaround of inserting an image as Background in the Header but no matter how I set the size in Custom Position/Size as soon as I did Preview it was expanded to 100%. I guess if the logo was already scaled in an external program then it could work.
[Edit] It seems even if successful, it might not export to docx, see tdf#74146
I too, am having problems trying to put a logo in the header. What gives?? Why is this still a problem?
I am frustrated trying to specify the size or scaling. It simply doesn’t work. I guess I’ll have to keep using Excel.
I have just tried with LibreOffice I created a simple 10mm circle in Draw and grouped a slightly larger text box over the top (to adjust text more accurately and to prevent over-zealous cropping).
I exported it as a png at screen resolution (96 dpi) and it is visible in the print preview completely within the header but doesn’t look great. On printing the png is converted to low res jpg with artefacts, the circle is 18mm diameter so it appears to fill all the height of the header that I set.
I exported it as SVG and inserted as background to Header but it seems to be converted to a low res jpg with artefacts visible in the logo and in the blank space. On printing the circle is 18mm diameter
A better proposition might be to turn off the Header entirely and create a facsimile of a header in the first rows of the spreadsheet. Then use Rows to Repeat in the Print Range for subsequent pages