How to install offline help files in LibreOffice 23.2 (flatpak)

Difference is it’s a flatpak. I’m running MX Linux. I downloaded the tar file but I need help installing the files.

Since my Linux box died I haven’t used it so cannot help on specifics.

Here are instructions linked from the installation help page of LibreOffice, Installing LibreOffice on Linux - The Document Foundation Wiki

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Downloadabel offline help is not separately available for one or some of the application’s modules like Writer or Calc, but only for the LibreOffice application as a whole.
I will therefore edit the subject of the question, and change the tag line from writer to writer, common.

Concerning possible specifics of MX Linux I can’t help.
The download site of TheDocumentFoundation (Ignore the “old”!) should contain for any published version of LibreOffice a subfolder where you will find downloadables for deb based linuxes in the .gz format.

so far MX Linux seems a Debian-derivat, try:

apt-get install flatpak

and then

flatpak install org.libreoffice.LibreOffice
ups … there is no offline-help available on flathub … sorry for the noise!

not sure to what extend it could be a report / request : 115534 – (LibreOffice-Flatpak) [META] LibreOffice Flatpak package bugs

From LibreOffice in Flatpak format | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft :

  • Help content is available as an org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.Help extension. You probably need to install it manually. (And, at least for now, it contains help content for all localizations, so is rather large.)