How to integrate the Libre Office PDF converter into my own C# program

The Libre Office PDF converter works very well.
My task would be to integrate a Doc (Docx) to PDF converter into my self-developed C# program.
Would it be possible to somehow access the source of the converter used in libre?
Or some other solution that I can incorporate?

It would be worth a small donation to me.
Thank you in advance for your help!

The whole source code is open.
But the “PDF converter” term is unclear. What you mean? The code that takes the PDF and converts it into graphical primitives that LibreOffice shows you e.g. in Draw?
Of the code that exports documents opened in Writer/Calc/Draw/Impress into PDFs?

In general, you should know that you will need ~all LibreOffice. There is no small library.

Yes, as all code is public and no, as there is no separate converter. Your docx will be loaded by LibreOffice (Writer in this case) and therefore converted in the internal representation. Then this is converted to the asked format.

You could either call LibreOffice “headless” via command-line or use LO as a service as LibreOffice can accept commands via a socket. Check for --accept option. Maybe google also “unoconv”

Thank You Mikekaganski!
I was thinking of a routine that converts an existing .docx file into a .PDF file, offline.
A routine that can be integrated into my own application (c#, .Net platform).

Thank you very much Wanderer!

This is completely new to me. I’ll give it a try.