how to keep exact interline spaces when exporting to epub

Hello !

I use essentially two personalized styles, which make use of italic and specific line spacing. I have to keep these spaces how they are. But those styles are not recognized by writer2epub, nor the built-in export function, which reports “input output error” and crashes for the whole file, or just ignore the spacing for a small chunk, as does writer2epub.

Originally, I had to convert from a doc file. But I tried to remove what I perceived as troublesome regards to exportation to epub. What solution exist ?


While it should look like:
image description
See the specific spaces ?
Two styles used:

  • GCB: spacing 0 behind paragraphes, 0,10 cm below, also between same kinds of paragraph
  • Partner: 21 behind, 21 below, italic, don’t add between same kinds of paragraph


I was under impression that ePub has nothing to do with paper layout (which Writer and its supported document formats are about)…

I could put an empty line between italic paragraphs and non-italic ones, I know it; but I also want a bit of space between same-style paragraphs, to add reading confort.