The delimiter for combining data ranges for a chart is based on the locale. How can users find the delimiter for their locale?
In the line where you can edit the DataRanges for a chart you can have non-contigiouis ranges listed with the semicolon as the delimiter. What alternative delimiter(s) are you talking of?
A semicolon does not work for me. I eventually found that in my locale, I need to use a comma.
It seems to me that users should have a way to find out what the delimiter is for their locale.
Wouldn’t it be an idea to simply to tell what “my locale” and other related settings are?
In fact there seems to be an inconsistency (bug):
Formulae still always accept the semicolon as a parameter separator in functions. They only automatically change it to a comma for display if the setting @mariosv mentioned chose the comma. The Data Ranges...
line, however only accepts the chosen separator - and this despite the fact that there isn’t any function needing to separate any parameters.
This seems to follow the “Principle of Maximal Confusion” ruling the surface of Office software next to completely.
Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice calc/Formula - Separators
Thank you. This made me realize that the LibreOffice Calc options are not available when the chart is in edit mode. Could that be considered a bug?
I don’t think so, and I think it would be really complicated to manage the changes on the fly with security.
I don’t know much about this and am not sure what you mean. How is chart edit mode related to security?
The only settings you need to consider (and probably try) are the semicolon (good) and the comma (doubtable). Other settings can be made, but it’s very unlikely that someone did it.
How is chart edit mode related to security?
I suppose that @mariosv meant “it is hard to do reliably” … IIRC, we used to have all possible option categories available in the dialog, regardless of which modules are open and which is active at the moment; and we changed that to only show the active one for some reason (possibly to reduce users’ confusion?) at some point. (Yes, I have checked that to be true - and it was changed between OOo 1.0.3 and OOo 2.2.0 :-))