I’m working on protected some cells of one sheet with a password so that only a few people can modify the content of these cells . I already know how to do it by protecting the sheet and then selecting the cells i want to protect. The problem is that if I want to modify the content of a protected cell I need to disable completly the sheet protection and after the modification I need to start again the whole process of creating a new password,etc. Is it possible to make it so that when one wants to change the content of a protected cell he need to enter the password and after he has done it the cell is closed again automatically. If i do it via a macro, the password will be in the code and if the user doesnt activate Macros when he opens the file, it won’t work I guess or if someone have a better solution ?
Have a Nice day
P.S : ( The file will be used by many services they all have LibreOffice but I can’t use extern libraries and I’m not allowed to install any additionnal programs in my computer )