How to make a stacked column chart based on this data?

I have survey data in Calc like this (only with 295 rows, columns to AO, and 6 options):

and I want to make a chart like this:

However, when I select the data and create a chart, I get this:

Obviously I am doing something wrong, but I can’t figure out how to make this work. I definitely don’t want to redo the entire sheet.

Please see if the attached file solves what you want get.

Making an intermediate table with the count for every data in every item and with this new table making the graphics with data in rows.


(The true extension for the file is ods, but there is a bug in the site and only files with graphics extension are allowed)

Is there an easy way to make this count? I have a lot of data, so there is no way I can count it.

When do you say a lot of data, you are talking about “items”, “ABCD” or number of rows.