We are making a file that is too large for Libreoffice, and so broke the file into smaller files. I have not found a way to change the starting page number of subsequent files - e.g. first file pages 1-59, the start the second file at page 60, etc. The plan is to print to PDF and combine the separate PDFs. Help appreciated.
(later) Let me clarify. I have multiple documents that are camera-ready EXCEPT for the page numbers. I can’t do anything dramatic that will upset the formatting and many pictures and create hours of work. I just want to start each file with a later page number. The help entry “To Start With a Defined Page Number” almost works, but involves inserting a break that messes up the file badly, and seems to only put the new number on the second page. I feel like this ought to be easy but I haven’t found it. Thanks again.