How to make second caption row of of table to repeat on every page in LibreOffice Writer?

How to make second caption row of table to repeat on every page in LIbreOffice Writer?

There is no such option, it’s possible to repeat only some first row on every page.

Then I try to split table on two tables, first table with first row of caption which does not need to repeat, second table now start from second row of caption which need to repeat on every page.

After that I set property of second table to repeat first row.

Then I delete space beetween first and second tables, save document (.docx format) and close it.

When I open this document again I find that two tables automatically have been merged.

How avoid merge of this tables?

When I open this document againt i find that two tables automatically have been merged

… and you use DOC(X), right?

Yes, I save as .docx format.

Do not look elsewhere, conversions on save and reload damage your formatting. Use native .odt format.

I try .odt format, it has no problem with automerge tables. But now I strictly limited by .docx format.

Do you perceive .odt as a limiting factor? It allows more formatting effects than .doc(x) and in a more rigorous way.

I prefer to use .odt over .docx but I must prepare document in .docx format because this document needed for further use by library which support only .docx format.

Does the library support PDF? If yes, work with .odt and only export a final version in .pdf. This has also the advantage that library users cannot damage the file.

It is not possible to have two adjacent tables in DOCX; Word does not provide such an option in its UI, and creating two adjacent tables in its XML manually result in one table upon opening in Word.

So there is a limitation imposed by the format - and there is nothing LibreOffice could do about that. You can only try to use a small paragraph (with font size 2, or with fixed spacing of 1.4 pt) between the tables as a workaround. In the end, this doesn’t look too bad - as if you use a double border between the heading and the table body.

Thank for your Replies!

It’s possible (with some limitation) to have two adjacent tables in Word. I have made this by setting “Text Wrapping” to “Around” on first table in MS Word .docx (even in strict format Open XML). This works perfect for me in MS Word. LibreOffice Writer possible open and resave this file without tables merge but when LibreOffice Writer open .docx it always reset the second table checkbox “Repeat heading” to off state.

Here is the way how avoid table merge in MS Word and it work for .docx, i’ve tested it.

See Konstantins Strazds answer:

Prevent tables from merging - Microsoft Community

Does the library support PDF?

No, it does not. Library fill up .docx using bookmarks and also fill up tables by data, add rows and so on… When .docx ready in memory, it saved to file, user must have possibility to edit document later.

I assume that the first row is some sort of “super heading” for the table.

You then create two tables vertically next to each other.

The first table has only one row.

The second table has as many rows as you want with the first row being repeated on every page.

The problem is the space between the two table due to an empty paragraph. Enable View>Formatting Marks to see where the marks are.

Put your cursor below the first table before the paragraph mark. Press Del. The paragraph mark is deleted and both tables are now adjacent as if there were only a single one.

The get the desired effect by repeating the first row of the second table which is visually the second row (apparently).

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IIUC OP wants only second row repeated, but not first.

You are given wrong answer. This option not allow to repeat only second row without first row. It allow only repeat ALL rows from 1 to N (where N is given in settings number).

You should have made it clearer.

Do you want the repeating row to be the first on page 2+ or should it still be the second on page 2+?

I want the repeating row 2 to be the first on pages 2+