How to make table with image urls for database

My goal is to create a table for plant images that I can click through in LANdpLAN.odb database form like this one:

A problem is in generating the correct latin_name from the name of the image url when more than one space is needed. For example: ‘Malus X Purpurea’ needs two spaces.

This is how I’m doing it for plants that only need one space:
I have a folder with images and a calcsheet that uses it’s file path to create a url and latin_name. I copy/paste this sheet into my database to create a table called ‘images’.

The calc file has sheet1 for the formulas and calculations and images to display latin-name and url for the base table.

it’s called aaaimages.ods

The database has
-‘species’ table with ‘Latin_name’ and
-‘images’ table with ‘latin_name’ and ‘url’

When I want to add images to the database I:

drop them in the folder and rename the files with the latin name of the plant minus spaces and a number to create a distinct file name like Malus X Purpurea = MalusXpurpurea

open the aaaimages.ods file

open LANdpLAN.odb

rename ‘images’ table to ‘imagesold’

copy ‘images’ sheet from aaaimages.ods to LANdpLAN.odb

My problem is creating a formula to deal with some plant names that need more than one space. I need to generate the latin name from the image url.
For example:
url: ‘/home/j/Desktop/link to LANdpLAN/LANdpLAN/Drawing/Plant_images/images/MalvaAlcea2.jpg’

latin_name ‘Malva alcea’
(WIth latin names, the first name is capitalized and the second is not… if it is a cross, the letter X is capitalized.)

The system fails when I have more than one space needed in the latin name like where: ./Drawing/Plant_images/images/MalusXPurpurea.jpg = MalusXPurpu rea

The space is in the wrong spot.
To get the first space in the correct spot…

i used sum… There has to be a better way, I did my best… :frowning: it’s complicated and confusing. Help me? I was looking for the capital letters to indicate where a space needs to go.

This way doesn’t work when there is more than one capital.
here is a link the folder of images and the calc sheet.
Just put the pics in the same directory or some sub-directory. Double-clicking on a form’s picture control opens a file picker which stores the relative URL in the linked database column.