How to make writer tool bar legible?

I recently converted to Linux Mint so am a new user of LibreOffice & writer. Is there a way to make the tool bar icons legible? I did eventually locate that you can alter the background (theme) colour and changing the background to grey helped a bit is not the solution.

In comparison an earlier release on a friends laptop looks perfect.

Any idea how to make the icons legible would be appreciated.

Try Menu / Tools / Options / LibreOffice / View, change Icon Theme.

Problem Solved! After a search of the net I decided to completely removed LibreOffice from my PC (running Linux Mint) via the terminal commands:

sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoremove

I then re-installed LibreOffice via Mints software manager.

The toolbar is now legible.