Hello all,
I’ve imported some fonts to try some effects with Fontwork in Libreoffice Impress but some issues appear and I need to understand how to solve it.
For instance I downloaded the font Montserrat from Google fonts website.
I installed it on my Ubuntu 24.04LTS as wide-system fonts.
I applied this font to different fontwork styles like Snow, Outline, Shadow, Asphalt but still I got the flaw on the characters ‘p’, ‘n’, ‘g’, ‘a’, ‘m’, ‘u’ and ‘r’, as you can see in the attached picture.
The first line represent the normal text, all others are fontwork. They use the same Montserrat Black font.
Is there a way to avoid the flaws you can see? I tested many options but I’ve not succeed to get the result I want
Is there any solution or that specific font has this flaws I cannot solve?
I’ve seen it happens with many other fonts.
Thanks for your support