I have a master template with cell name/cellreference assigned to the individual cell in the columns. So what i need to do is that to copy this sheet with cell name to another file with formulas that are linking to the cell name/cellreference. However when i do so, the cell reference is not copied. Is there a way to solve this as i do not wish to reference the cell individually to the cell name as there are too many cellnames assigned.
Master data (Cells are referenced/named.)
Actual Copy: Formula + Old data (Cells are referenced/named.)
What i need to do is:
-Transfer the master data over by copying the sheet from the mastercopy to actual copy.
Because the master copy and actual copy rely on the cell name. So i need the cell name to be recaptured into the actual copy from the master so that the formula in the actual copy can detect the cell names.
Please kindly advise what can i do to solve this?