How to move rows in LO 3.6/4.0 spreadsheet on mac?

how can I move the rows please? tried to drag while selecting and holding shift/alt/cmd keys - no luck

Update: fired a bug report:

I cannot explain in case of a mac but if you can translate windows to mac, my answer might help:

click left on row number to select entire row
release mouse
click left somewhere (but not in the row number!!!) in the selected row eg. in colum A and hold left mouse and drag

Just tested the procedure and it works for me on windows.

Thanks. But it doesn’t work on Mac.

Bug Filed:

  • fdo#61116 - UI: can’t move rows/columns in calc - RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 58440
  • fdo#58440 - EDITING: moving columns/rows with <alt+drag&drop> overwrites instead of ousting - UNCONFIRMED

The bug has been reported about 9 months ago, and still nothing new about it to this day. Don’t know how to promote this bug to the developper community. Any idea’s welcome…