I am making something like a “dashboard” in Calc.
Each day a new value gets added to the next row.
for example:
Monday: A1
Tuesday: A2
Wednesday: A3
and so on, for a whole month
These values get plotted on a line graph (which incorporates the entire month’s range so the graph does not have to be reset each day!).
The (default) way of graphing this shows the empty cell values “plummeting” to the x axis (as the empty values are interpreted as zero). This implies a trend which is completely inaccurate (including an inaccurate trend-line, if enabled)!
Is there a good way of making the graph not display the empty cells?
In “Data Series,” “Plot Options,” “Plot Missing Values” – leave gap is selected, but this does not work either in the middle of a series of cells or in the “tail.”
This is on LO Machine can not be upgraded to a more recent version until next year.
Thanks in advance for any insights.