I’m really hoping to find a solution to a problem which has been presented to me. I need to populate, what I think would be either a series of user fields or Showvariable fields via the command line in a writer doc on my Ubuntu machine. Then save the file to a print dump, to ultimately be converted to a tiff (their format, not mine) via ImageMagick. The problem lies in I can’t seem to find any info on passing anything into a file.
The simple option I imagine would be something like this:
soffice --headless --print-to-file -field1=data1 --field2=data2… template.odt
I also have the ability to pull the fields from a MySQL db, if there was a way to pass an id or something into the file as a reference.
Is there anyway to accomplish this? Thanks for any help you can offer. I’m still looking for a solution, in case anyone is wondering.