How to permanently dissable 'Overwrite' in Writer?


Every time I accidently tap the ‘Insert’ key Writer toggles into ‘Overwrite’ mode - and I have messed-up a small part of the document before I realise and then tap the ‘Insert’ key again to toggle it back (Sometimes I click the word ‘Overwrite’ at the bottom in the ‘status bar’ to toggle it off).
I then have to redo the text which the ‘Overwrite’ feature destroyed.

In decades of use I have never once consciously selected to use the ‘Overwrite’ feature so it is just an irritation to me.

Does anyone know how to permanently dissable ‘Overwrtie’ ?

( Libre Office running on Linux ‘Mint’ )

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Remove the Ins key by a screwdriver. (just kidding)

(The Ins for toggle the Overwrite/Insert mode is a very usable feature. Try to use it, not eliminate it.)

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Thank you Villeroy,
I did not want to dissable the ‘Insert’ key for all application programs using command line code - so I used ajlittoz’s method instead. But I have noted your answer as well just in case.

Thanks for your reply Zizi64. I used that rationale through MS ‘Word’ and then through Libre ‘Office’ to current. But after decades I have ditched it - the annoying aspect of ‘Overwrite’ is the bigger factor to me and I always hold ‘Ctr’ and tap ‘V’ to paste anyway. I can’t remember ever having used the ‘Insert’ key - maybe I’m missing something else but I am not aware of it.

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Note that this isn’t the only way to enable Insert mode. Clicking on the Status bar at the bottom of the window at the right place will also enable Insert.
If the warning (also appears for keyboard Insert) has been turned off, it will not show again. I cannot find the setting to turn on the warning after it has been set to Do not show again.
You can hide the Status Bar by toggling View > Status bar

If Numlock on the numeric keypad is turned off, then 0 then becomes Ins (Insert) for many keyboards. Disabling the keyboard shortcut in Writer disables this also.

It is QuerySetInsMode in the Expert Configuration (cf. tdf#155561 - “Notification/warning when the overwrite mode is enabled for the first time”).

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Thanks. I looked in there under insert and overwrite but could not find it. Cheers, Al

I see the warning is in 24.2 and later

Open Tools>Customize, Keyboard tab.

Scroll down the list to Ins key configuration. For Writer, it is assigned Insert Mode.

  1. click the Ins line
  2. press Delete
  3. OK

PS: when posting, don’t forget to mention OS name, LO version and, when relevant, save format. As an exaple of differences, Tools>Options is Preferences under MacOS.

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Thank you very much ajlittoz
Your answer worked