How to pivot a line graph?

I have data in 3 columns, columns A contains names, it can have 3 possible values. Column B contains numbers from 1 to 7 and columns C contains values in currency format.

I need to put on the X axis the numbers in column B, so from 1 to 7. On Y axis I’ll need to put column C values with steps, so for example 100, 150, 200 etc. Column A will be in the legend, there should be 3 lines in this graph not a single line like I’m getting. Each line dot should sit at coresponding value, so if I have a value of 125 should sito between 100 and 150 etc…

What I’m doing, is selecting the table and click the graph button, I select lines with dots but I get a single line with all the values, not three lines. Also it is putting the names in X axis, how do I fix this?

It is easier to use one column for each name.
Something like:

	 n1	 n2	 n3
1	 50	200	500
2	300	250	350
3	500	350	400
4	 50	250	500
5	300	450	250
6	450	 50	400
7	500	450	300


chart_3names.ods (22.0 KB)

By the way, you can share a sample file to illustrate your question.

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with a pivot-table
chart_from_pivot_3names.ods (25.5 KB)


@LeroyG There is no way for me to enter additional data ranges, how do you do that? I can only enter name and Y values.

No with Line, but with XY (Scatter) chart type.

But, why do you mark my comment as answer if @karolus gave a much better answer?

If you think it is more fit I’ll switch back.

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