how to prevent and to fix non coherent numerations of headlines


here is an isolated docx-file for demonstrate and a pdf-file in case of question.

some foreword:
It was produced as an output of a comercial program that suits snippets of docx-files, (which one is supposed to work on with the-other-word program ) together.
Because I do not know how you see the file I exported it to pdf, in order to make clear how I see the docx file. Even after conversion to odt it remains the same:

So, after trying to isolate the issue I figured out 3 problems:
You see that the chapter headlines are not in numeric order.
-That is because I produced the snippets files with libreoffice and not with the other comercial word program.

  1. Problem: Look for example the Headline “Zusam3” on page 3. It starts with Number 1, when I apply “Vorherige Nummerierung fortsetzen” (continue anterior numeration) from context menu it converts to another thing. (see pdf for it, please.) Aparently it is because there lies a point list in front of it. Is it maybe a bug?
  2. Problem: Even in other cases, if i apply “Vorherige Numerierung fortsetzen” (continue anterior numeration) and it gets into numeric order, yes, but I need to do it with every headline of the doc and they are too many.
  3. Problem: I wonder what may be the cause why my libreoffice snippet file produces non-coherent enumerations.

If anybody has an advice it will be greatly thanked.
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