How to record Calc macro in BASIC?

I am completely new to LibreOffice but have been writing Excel macros for many years. I am testing out LO’s macro capabilities but so far have been unable to get it to record a macro in BASIC. I can get it to record but the code is nothing that Excel’s VBA engine would recognise.

Is there some way to get Calc to record macros in BASIC?

Many thanks

Yes, try MRI

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I can get it to record but the code is nothing that Excel’s VBA engine would recognise.

Of course it doesn’t record VBA (and the recorder has very limited capabilities). My opinion: If you want to write BASIC macros, try to overcome macro recorder as soon as possible.

Ref.: LibreOffice Help - Recording a Macro - Limitations of the macro recorder

To learn LibreOffice Basic, check out Mostly, recording is only useful if you are looking for a particular dispatcher call, or maybe if you want to record a set of actions in order to repeat those actions.

Thanks for the super-quick responses everyone! I can see that it’s not a simple matter of moving from Office to LO but at least I now have some really good pointers for where to go with it. Many thanks :slight_smile: