How to Reference the value of the filter in autofilter?

Consider the attached example Reference data in autofilter.ods

Is there a way for cell A1 to display “Data belonging to Acme” or “Data belonging to MGM” depending on which filter I have active in the autofilter?

FYI, the end result is that every month I will have a table like this, and then I need to export and print one sheet per client. Best solution I found so far is to filter by client, then export a PDF of it.

Are you sure you need to export the filtered data as a sheet per client? Why shouldn’t it be sufficient to create and to print the filtered selection of data as a report per client? That should be the way things of this kind are commonly done.
Anyway you might consider to move the task to a database.

Filter the table+printing is sufficient, yes. However, I would need the first row to display the “data belonging to…”, which is what I was hoping to be able to retrieve from the filter (or the first visible row after applying the filter) automatically.