How to remove "apps" in show app

before I was able to remove apps in “show app”. LibreOffice would have an app shows for each of it’s application and for example I was able to remove LibreOffice-Draw, Impress, Base…

With the recent upgrade to 24.2, I have not been able to remove the apps I don’t use (example: LibreOffice 24.2 Base, LibreOffice 24.2 Impress, …).

How can I now just remove the ones I don’t use?

Thanks for any suggestions / solution.

Do you mean removing the shortcut or launcher from your operating system? For some more specific help you’re going to have to paste in here the information from the information button on the Help/About screen and specify whether it’s the shortcut/launcher you’re trying to remove.

From the ‘show app’ button. I assume it is the launcher from the display.
Prior to this upgrade I was able to remove the various apps I don’t use. Such as
Math, Draw, Impress…

In the prior version, I would open the terminal and type:
sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-draw
sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-impress
sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-math

and they were removed from “show app” screen. I just cannot do it with libreoffice 24.2

This may depend on which distro of Linux you’re using and/or how you installed the old version and the new version of LibreOffice.

I’m not familiar with the “Show App” screen, I presume this is a feature of your Linux distro (Ubuntu perhaps since a web search for “Show app screen linux” the first result is for Ubuntu).

Ordinarily LibreOffice is installed as a whole package, but could in theory (and historically at least for you) be packaged as individual applications; but that would be distro specific and whoever maintains the package you have installed.

Good Morning Ash,

I am an ubuntu 18.04.6 user, of which I downloaded an image disc on Sunday. The package provides almost all apps of LO, exception made for Base, which is available in Ubuntu Software. By chance, I noticed that it provides an icon for each application, which is either removable or installable.

Hoping having been of any help.
