How to remove 'hot' footnote numbers

I am copy-editing a document in .odt. The footnote numbers are ‘hot’ (they are orange & underlined and, if clicked, jump the document to the anchor in the text).

How do I make these ‘hot’ footnote numbers into simple, regular footnote number? This is for print and there is no need for these in-text microlinks.

Thank you.

There are two parts here:

  1. “they are orange & underlined”
    This is most likely change tracking.
  2. “if clicked, jump the document to the anchor in the text”
    This is the normal behavior of the footnote numbers.
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Thanks for the attempt, but no, your responses are incorrect.

  1. “they are orange & underlined”

    This is most likely change tracking.

  • No, track changes is turned off.
  1. “if clicked, jump the document to the anchor in the text”

    This is the normal behavior of the footnote numbers.

  • No, this is not my experience with odt and all the other documents I am copy-editing for this project do not have this happening with the footnotes.
  1. Track Changes can be turned off but unmanaged changes still show, click Edit > Track Changes > Accept All to accept them.
    If you want to keep the tracked changes but don’t want to see them, then click View > Track changes to toggle visibility of the orange
    If track changes have been accepted and is turned off then you can change the appearance of the footnote anchor by editing the relevant character style in the sidebar, character styles. Edit the Footnote paragraph style for the footnote itself.
  2. It is the normal behaviour since at least May 2021, see this bug report about the cursor not changing when hovering over the footnote anchor and the footnote number, tdf#142167

I suppose if a tool like Zotero were used for references, it might not use LibreOffice built in footnotes. Under those circumstances the author might have chosen to visually differentiate between normal footnotes and Zotero references

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No, that it not “my responses are incorrect” - it is your question is incomplete. Did you provide screenshots? a sample document with a “lorem” text and a sample footnote?

And “incorrect” (= not matching your problem) may only be the first guess; the “No, this is not my experience with odt and all the other documents I am copy-editing” is where you are incorrect (of course, your “experience” may differ, but that doesn’t cancel the fact that the footnote numbers are clickable at least since 2000, pre-OOo time).


Thank you so much!
Your first suggestion was correct and did the job.