How to remove line on right side of .GIF signature image

When writing my Writer document to a .pdf I’m getting a dark line on the right side of the images that represent my signature. The images are .gif files that have transparency so lines and other text can be seen through my portions of my signature. This problem has only been present for the past couple months, but I can’t state explicitly when I first saw it.

image description

I’m using the following version:

Build ID: libreoffice-

I’ve tried removing the border in the image properties, but this line still shows up. It’s also a bit curious that it only appears on the right side of the image. I have other images embedded in the document, such as a company logo and technical exhibits. They are .jpg files, and no lines appear around them.

Any help removing this unwanted line would be greatly appreciated.



Could you replace your signature with another GIF also exhibiting the mishap and upload a short sample file? This will help diagnose what’s wrong with the image.

Check your gif file on GIMP, probably save as png file. PNG seems to have better performance, it’ worth a try.

@Grantler: Thanks. I changed to .png and the anomaly is gone. Your indication of improved performance was correct in other aspects too. The signature image itself now looks much more natural.

@ajlittoz - Thanks for the response. By the time I saw yours, Grantler’s was there too and seemed a bit easier to work.

Thanks to you both!