How to repeat field in LO Draw elsewhere when making a PDF flat form fillable?

I have a flat PDF form and I am using LO Draw to make it into a fillable form. Certain data needs to be replicated elsewhere in the PDF document. I assumed that if I create a field, say [File Number] on following pages with the same “Name” per [Properties Text Box | General] that data entered in the first instance (typically page 1) would automatically populate fields of the same name on following pages. That didn’t happen, even though they shared a “Name” with the first instance. So, then I noticed that each field is associated with an entry in the [Navigator] toolbar on the right. So, I renamed the associate object in Navigator (previously “Shape 35 (Control)” to “Name” - but that didn’t work either - then I realized that the Navigator object labels are local to each page. So, how to make a global object field - that can be replicated throughout the document and auto-populate with whatever alphanumerics are entered in the first (or any) instance of the field?!? Variables such as “Name” “File Number” etc. frequently appear multiple times in a form - so I was hoping that the way to accomplish this should be simple and intuitive, but apparently not. Maybe I am just too tired. Anyway, it is time for bed, so I trust that some kind soul is able to help me out.

You have to ensure that identical text box names are existing. Simply copy/paste text boxes. When exporting to PDF file (menu file…) check ☒ Allow duplicate field names.

See also attached pdf file.
DuplicateFileNames.pdf (20.7 KB)

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I appreciate your feedback. Now I am trying to create a form in LibreOffice Draw. I previously discovered that forms created in Microsoft Word do not export as live forms. Forms created in Word export as a flat file - in other words, the form fields appear, but cannot be edited.

In LibreOffice, it seems that forms created in LO can be exported to PDF and still act as fillable forms (as expected). The problem seems to be that repeated fields in LibreOffice Writer appear to act as independent fields - even if they have the same field [Name].

However, this problem is miraculously fixed when exported to PDF as you advised (i.e. check marks against both [Create PDF form] AND [Allow duplicate field names] in the PDF Export Options dialog box. See:

  • LO Duplicate field names - test 01.odt
  • LO Duplicate field names - test 01.pdf

In this test form I have three fields (name, address & date) - repeated immediately below. However, although the fields above and below have the same field “names” (Name, Address, and Date) - they behave as though they had different names - i.e. as independent variables. Nonetheless, the exported PDF acts as expected and as intended.

Incidentally, for the first one I added BOTH pull down and spin. I assumed that spin would allow skipping from one day to the next, but I was surprised to see that it skipped from one year to the next. This is actually great! I am massively frustrated when asked to fill in my birth date and my finger almost goes numb clicking back from current month until I finally reach my year of birth (epic GUI design failure!).

In retrospect, in terms of GUI design the field [Properties Date Field] layout is unwieldly - why are related controls not grouped in some logical fashion. For example, why is [Spin Button] NOT grouped with [Dropdown]?!? And, is there an option to simply type the date (subject to format restrictions)? In any event, the [Properties Date Field] is a little verbose - when for most users they only care about a few variables?

Anyway, I would appreciate understanding why the LO Writer test form does not behave as expected - even though the exported PDF does work exactly as expected. :thinking:

Any thoughts? :upside_down_face:

LO Duplicate field names - test 01.odt (13.4 KB)
LO Duplicate field names - test 01.pdf (20.4 KB)

I guess you use Draw, because pdf is usually opened there, when you open a pdf with LibreOffice? Most other questions came from users of Writer…
LO was not designed as a PDF-Editor. The tool you see/use are the same for users of the database-tool named Base. A form in Base is actually a Writer-document with special properties… There the connection to the datasource is managed on the “data” tab you may see in the picture posted by @Grantler above. You can set the same field for more than one control. (May not work, unless the value is committed to the database. I didn’t try)
However the model in a pdf is different. There is no datasource and not even LibreOffice around to help. So they use a different model. Luckily we can export this…

Admiittedly, in my original post (March 22), I was opening a PDF with LO Draw. However, now I am creating a LO Writer document with fillable fields and exporting to PDF. I guess that I should have started a fresh thread…
"I guess you use Draw, because pdf is usually opened there, when you open a pdf with LibreOffice? Most other questions came from users of Writer…
LO was not designed as a PDF-Editor."
I am not trying to edit a PDF. I have other apps for that.
I am creating a form (actually an agreement) - which I then EXPORT as a PDF.
I previously did this in msWord (the rough draft agreement was sent to me as a .docx file - but it was a bit mangled and, since date, names, and other data was repeated throughout the agreement), so I decide to make it into a generic fillable form agreement.
Although this can be done entirely in msWord (adding security restriction password so that only the fields can be edited - not the body of the agreement). However, if the msWord document is exported to PDF, the form fields are “flattened” - appearing as unformatted text (whatever default data, or nothing at all). In other words, the exported msWord fillable form fields are lost and it emerges as just a regular document and is no longer a fillable form.
However, it appears that a fillable form CREATED in LO Writer can be successfully exported to PDF and still retain its utility as a fillable form.
The issue is, then, that if I create duplicate fields (name, address, and date) - LO Writer treats them as independent fields, even though they have the same name.

  • Name (both instances named “Name”)
  • Address (both instances named “Address”)
  • Date (both instances named “Date”)

I expect that if I edit one - that both instances of the identically named fields reflect the same edit.
Only, it didn’t work like that.
However, if I export the LO Writer .odt (duplicate field names allowed) to PDF - the PDF behaves as intended and expected.
In summary, the fillable form was CREATED with LO Writer and EXPORTED to PDF.
The resulting PDF behaves as expected - even if the original LO Writer document does not (i.e. identically named fields act as independent fields, not a linked duplicate fields.
Check out the original LO Writer test document and the exported PDF document that I uploaded previously.
How, then, do I convince that identically named fillable fields are duplicates (and therefore should always be identical) - and NOT independent fields?!?

I guess, when you use Writer you shouldn’t start with

But I could have seen your .odt as contradiction. Good luck with solving your topic

I originally planned to use LO to create a fillable form out of a PDF document using LO Draw. More recently, I have taken a different approach, creating a LO document, adding fields and exporting that to PDF. However, this really deserves a fresh thread tagged as LO Writer - so as to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. So, if you have read this far, please refer to:

So, if you have a suggested solution, please go there.