How to reset default print quantity to 1 after each print job

The default setting on LibreOffice seems to be that it remembers the number of copies printed on the last print job. So, for example, if the previous print was for 10 copies, the next time I print it will print 10 copies, unless I manually reset it back to 1. This frequently results in sending more copies to the printer than I want, and wasted ink and paper. Usually, all I want is 1 copy. I have found where to change printer default settings, but don’t see anything about how to reset it back to 1 copy as the default. Any advice how to have it default back to 1 after each print job?

On Windows, using the manufacturer’s printer driver (HP or Brother), LibreOffice remembers the printer settings but not the quantity. I wonder why it is different for you?

If you are on Windows, did you Allow Windows to manage your printers? This is a good way to never know what printer or settings are set.

Check your default settings

Please add details, This is the guide - How to use the Ask site? - #3 by Hrbrgr

I am on a Mac. And the print window is a LibreOffice window.

Is your unknown printer driver up-to-date?
See this Microsoft answers site for same question, Printing multiple copies MAC Ventura Upgrade - Office Update last week

Yes, printer driver is up-to-date

And the linked problem appears to be different than mine. In their case, they are “requesting” 1 copy and get something different. Mine will print 1 copy if I manually specify 1 copy. What I’m seeking is an “auto-reset” to 1 copy after doing multiple copies upon initiating a subsequent print job.