i have several lists in .odt file that have as style: “Numbering 123”
i want that every list start its numbering from 0
how to do that?
thank you. but i think i was not clear.
my problem is:
i have a first list which has 4 entries
and i have a second list after some pages that have other 4 entries
the problem is that the second list starts from 5 and not from 0 or 1 (like editing in the list setting). how to reset the numbering in the second list?
The only way at the moment seems to be right-clicking the second list and selecting List > Restart numbering
There is a Restart Numbering at this paragraph if you apply a paragraph style that has a numbering style linked to it. Sadly, it doesn’t work, probably related to tdf#40929
thank you. so there is no general way to apply that in all the odt file till now? it means that i need to reset every list manually if i have multiple lists in one document.
Yes, unless you want to create a duplicate list style for each list. The annoying thing is that non-styled lists reset to 1 if there is text between the last list.