How to retrieve WORD corrections in WRITER?

in several occasions now, I get back odt I have created with my colleagues’ corrections. They have tracked the corrections using Microsoft Word. When I open the files, all the corrections are gone, and only the notes are left. I am starting to seriously complain about Writer because all their work has been wiped out and they are urging me to switch to Word.
Is there a way to get the Word’s corrections in Writer? Is there a way to visualize them again when opening the corrected odt file in Writer? The corrections do not show even on Word. It is like Word does not save the corrections in an odt file…
Thank you

… and they are urging me to switch to Word.

No one is forcing you to switch to Word.
Persuade your colleagues to install LibreOffice in parallel with Word and everyone is happy.

If you know all the important key data, such as the operating systems and LibreOffice versions used by you and your colleagues, you can write a bug report on Bugzilla.
Add the file types used.

Recommendation for a clean working with LibreOffice when different office programs are used

Please where is the logic? An application (Word) can not write its data to the format (ODT); and you blame Writer?

Note that, unlike Word, Writer tries hard to support as much as possible in its external format - DOCX. Try using that format for exchange, if you are forced to interoperate with Word.

Or use Word - that might be a reasonable approach.


I am not blaming Writer – if any, I am blaming Word not to save data properly on ODT format. I can’t use DOCX directly because I will loose the Zotero fields. The logic here is simply to retrieve the corrections done with Word in tracking mode…

First, when you work in a group with a complex document, the sensible thing to do is that everybody uses the same software, and that you save in the native file format of that software.

That said, you say that the changes that the others made in the docx file didn’t show up in the converted version in LibreOffice Writer. Please forgive me if I ask a stupid question now. Are you sure that you turned on Edit - Track changes - Record and Edit - Track changes - Show? Because if you don’t enable recording changes, your changes won’t be saved. And if you don’t enable showing them, you won’t see the changes the others made.

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Working with the same software is easier said than done, since I am the only one in the office using LO… The file is an ODT, though, not DOCX. And the problem is that yes, I have the EDIT>TRACK CHANGES>SHOW on, but nothing is showing. The file kept only the notes/comments.

Maybe this can help:

Is there any difference on tracked information, if your co-workers save in dicx instead of . odt? The import-filter of LibreOffice may be better than words export, or are your Zotero-fields lost immediately on saving in MS-files. (Then I’m surprised they are retained during Edit of the .odt in Word.)

If making them switch to LibreOffice is not an option, there can hardly be any solution for comfortable collaboration. Well…

  1. Export your file to DOCX and send it to your colleagues.
  2. Ask them to send a finalized corrected file, not a file with tracked changes.
  3. Use comparing documents to produce a file with tracked changes.
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