Basically what I need is described and solved in Excel here.
Is something like this possible in LibreOffice Calc and can someone help me to do it?
Thank you.
Basically what I need is described and solved in Excel here.
Is something like this possible in LibreOffice Calc and can someone help me to do it?
Thank you.
Sub change_value(cell)
If cell.AbsoluteName = "$Sheet1.$A$1" Then
Select Case cell.String
Case "Case 1": macro1
Case "Case 2": macro2
Case "Case 3": macro3
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub macro1()
Msgbox "Macro 1"
End Sub
Sub macro2()
Msgbox "Macro 2"
End Sub
Sub macro3()
Msgbox "Macro 3"
End Sub
change_event.ods (9.1 KB)
For two or more drop down.
Sub change_value(cell)
address = cell.AbsoluteName
value = cell.String
Select Case address
Case "$Sheet1.$A$1"
Select Case value
Case "Case 1": macro1
Case "Case 2": macro2
Case "Case 3": macro3
End Select
Case "$Sheet1.$C$1"
Select Case value
Case "Case c1": macro_c1
Case "Case c2": macro_c2
Case "Case c3": macro_c3
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Thank you very much sir.
Hey, what if i want to use two or more drop down lists at the same sheet to run macros? Is it possible and how?
Thank you
change_event.ods (10.8 KB)
Thank you again. It works perfectly.