How to search #N/A text in Calc

I have run some vlookups some of which resulted in an #N/A result. I converted these to fixed values by copy->specialPaste Values.

I would like to replace all the #N/A which are now text with zero (0) but find does not seem to find/replace them (search key not found).

Is there a trick to having the find dialogue find these?

Check-in the option “Formatted display”

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VLOOKUP can often return #NA. I normally deal with this in the lookup formula, e.g. =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2.$A$2:$B$15,2,0)),"",VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2.$A$2:$B$15,2,0)) which returns a blank cell. To get a 0 instead of blank replace the "" with 0

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This can be shorter with:

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Thank You so much for this tip. It worked perfectly.

Thank you so much for response. I was aware of this and use it often, but in this case - a simple one-off query - I was a bit lazy and did not use the ISNA function.