LO Base on 64 bit Win 10 does not accept installation of jre-8u231-windows-i586.exe; It does accept jre-8u231-windows-x64.exe install same with previous versions).
64 it JRE runs fairly well except when editing forms (which typically includes editing tables and quries). Crash is not immediate. Usually takes 5-10 minutes of editing. Sometimes forms, etc are saved (after a variable amount of time); sometimes not. To me it smells something like a stock overflow rather than a code bug; a code bug would be more consistent in behaviour.
I do not see how the title of this question is related to LibreOffice - but one thing: You absolutely need to use 64-bit JRE if you have LibreOffice 64-bit installed. There is no way to use 32-bit JRE in conjunction with LibreOffice 64-bit.
My mistake. I am runnning 64 bit LO so naturally it won’t accept 32 bit JRE. (I was under the mistaken impression that LO was only available in 32 bit-God knows fron where that came).
So this question can be deleted.
The question now becomes why I get the crashes (on two separate machines). Will come up with anoher question soon.
Thanks for the fast reply.
If you want it to be deleted, please delete it on your own.