How to separate variables in a raw data set?

How to separate (predictor and outcome) variables in a raw data set? For example, the raw text may read:

ID code1: 3kfmewklf3F£fewon139
ID code2: 14094rkm3rk3fnp:£F3f1@f3
Cost: 1930pesos
Weight: 3910kg

When copying and pasting into Calc, all goes into the one column. This is problematic because I need to compare with other similarly formatted data sets, whose (both predictor and outcome) variables overlap but are not identical. The variables and sets are too many to manually find the matching predictor variables and line it all up to see which outcome variables match.

The Text Import Dialog could help you. Paste the clipboard with Ctrl+Shift+V and specify the correct parameters.
Could help if it weren’t for the colon in “ID code2”

If the outcome does not actually contain this symbol, and you inserted it only as an example, then your problem can be considered solved.

If you really need to split each cell at the first colon, you can use formulas like


There is also an option using the other functions - =REGEX(A1;"[^:]*") and =SUBSTITUTE(A1;B1&": ";"") and many other approaches to the solution.

Is your example one “data set” or are there two, or…?
Always attach a .ods example file in such a case, showing what you actually got, and what you would like to get.
Please also explain from where you copied your data originally (and possibly by what means), and what variant of pasting you chose.
Assuming the example is one set:
As far as I can see, a reasonable solution would be simple, if the line breaks shown in your question actually are (hard) linebreaks.
If they actually are paragraph breaks you can’t paste a dataset into a single cell, and subsequent processing is much more complicated.
BTW: Who supplies “data” in such an inapt “format”?