How To Set Default Color For Tables On Writer Via Application Colors

I am trying to setup a dark theme color scheme for Writer under Application Colors. I am using a dark gray background, white text. I want to set the table grids to white as well.
For some reason I can’t set a default color for tables this way. The default color of tables is always black and can only be modified from within Table Properties.

  • Am I doing something wrong?
  • Can this be done by way of Application Colors?
  • If Table’s default colors for Writer can’t be set here then what does Grid refers to here?


Application Colors allow you to choose UI element and other formatting hints colors. Borders (grid lines are simply inner cell borders) are properties of final text. UI and final text are different things.

You configure UI for comfortable and nice text entry.

The final document is intended to be printed (or more generally to be presented or “displayed” separately from its entry phase). All aspects of final document are controlled by styles which are more or less independent from UI or OS theme (except when some style elements are set to Automatic).

This “grid” is a special “snap” feature you control through Tools>Options, LO Writer>Grid. It displays snapping positions to align your elements (text, drawing, images, frames, …) on a page.

This was my goal to set up the text document with colors ease to my eyes in such a way that text and tables would stand out. I was very please to see that print output was not WYSIWYG but ratter text and page will print txt=black paper=white

Sadly this does not translate for tables for is If I made them white via properties, they will show white for print. This is why i was hoping for a Application Colors options to color tables.

I guess I will have to keep this in mind and/or try to come up with another color theme :neutral_face:

Oh this is nice feature. I had no idea.

Thank you for your help and clarifications.

See bug tdf#148675

You don’t show what you have set for Table Boundaries in Application Colours (scroll up 4 lines); it should be Automatic.

  1. Set the theme to Light
  2. Create a new document with the page area set to a suitable grey colour.
  3. Click File > Printer Settings > Options and untick Page Background
  4. Click File > Templates > Save as Template
    1. Give it a name
    2. Give it a category, My Templates
    3. Tick the box Set as default template

The table boundaries will be white/grey for a background colour of b2b2b2 (Light Grey 2) or darker assuming it is set to Automatic in Application Colours.
If text, etc. is set to Automatic then it will appear white but print black