How to set up user defined paper size in writer?

I’m using libreoffice 6.2, macox 10.14.3 mojave I have set user defined paper size in mac, but cannot find it in writer, so the printout is terrible! How can I fix it?

Assuming you’re using zh_TW version of LibreOffice.


格式 - 頁面 - 頁面分頁中的頁面格式,選擇「使用者」即可自訂頁面大小。

I’ve tried, everything goes alright, even with the print preview, but when it goes to print, only 3/4 can be seen螢幕擷取畫面 2019-02-18 於 21.34.09.png(/upfiles/1550497681343.png)(/upfiles/15504976659284114.png)


  1. 如果你的頁面大小是自訂的,那麼印表機中的紙的大小是否也是自訂?印表機是否支援該大小?
  2. 如果是自訂頁面大小,但要把幾頁一起印在一張 A4 紙,那就要做以下設定: