How to speak into spread sheet?

EDIT_ebot: common replaced by calc

Rather than type, I’d like to speak words into a spread sheet. So how do I do it?

It seems a text-to-spech question.

Rather speech-to-text …

In Calc you can insert audio files, choose menu Insert>Media>Audio/Video.

Therefore you should record what you want to have as speech in the spread sheet beforehand with a microphone and save it as an audio file.

To play click on the icon and start the Media player.

I think the questioner meant speech to text, not inserting audio files…

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Few assistive technology programs support speech to text in spreadsheets and (almost?) none support LibreOffice or specifically Calc. Assuming your platform is Windows (you didn’t say), the only program I have heard of was the paid version of Dragon Naturally Speaking. Additionally Microsoft had its Windows’ Text Services Framework (TSF) which now is legacy and replaced by Microsoft Speech Recognition and all speech programs focus on that and cross-platform programs like LibreOffice are left out from being supported.

Try this search.

One thing that might work is Unified Remote (ignore the text-to-speech title, it’s really about speech to text).

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